Monday, December 3, 2012

Paper toy analisys

My paper toy character is a Spartan from Halo 4. His name is Cody, he is from the UNSC planet called Reach. The UNSC has retaken Reach. My spartan was origanaly from earth but moved to Reach later on. He is one of many of the Spartans that live on the UNSC Infinity. He is one of the Spartans on Crimson team. One of the teams that goes onto the Forerunner Planet Requiem. I know what your thinking. “More Spartans o my God, there just likes Master chief.” Well your wrong, these knew Spartans, the Spartan IV’s are completely different from the first Spartan project, the Spartan II. Catherine Halsey started the first Spartan program and the way they created these Spartans was that they kidnapped children at the ages of like six or seven. The reason behind that was so that way the Spartans are fare more superior psychologically and physiologically. The Spartan IV’s were ordinary people in the military that singed up to be a Spartan.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Stiching it up

This image is by Benjaman starr. this image he created shows that after WW1, the lands were being fixed and cleeaned up a bit but the stiching shows that no matter how much of the land you fix, the scars of the battles will still be there. Also, if you notice the land is dry with dead trees and no grass. that shows the damage we have done during that war. He is showing how wars and battles can not only damage the people but the beautiful lands that they were fought on

Guernica by pablo picasso

Pablo did this painting of the bombing because he was angry by how the Germans are practicing their bombing on inocint civilians during the spanish civil war and nothing is being done about. He captivated this event in imaginary by useing symbolism. such as the bull is symboled as the attackers, and the horse as the Guernicans. also the people in his painting are suffering and dieing a painfull death.

The Holy Savage-finale

This is the finale version of my logo


These are my drawings for my logo